Monday, October 17, 2011

The Beginning

The Beginning
So here is the start, the dawn of my initial steps towards my first real goal. I know throughout life many of us have goals. Especially if you spent any time in a public and probably private school, where you are bound to get asked the question “What do you want to accomplish in the next five years”. Which is usually followed with a 10 year question much the same. Truth is I never had any idea what I wanted to accomplish or do in the next five years. If put in that situation again my answer probably wouldn’t have changed, as my goals then were to graduate high school, attend college and get a job that provides enough money. Now older and hopefully wiser I have a real goal. One that is much more substantial than learn and make money to survive. My goal is to turn my love of games into work that I can get paid for so that I can do two things more in my life. First is spend more time with my Family, and second is to get paid to enjoy my hobby.

Thus the blog is my opening step. As no one will read this entry, it will bear little wait in the understanding that my future supporters will have of me. However I want to state here in the initial stages that I only have a vague plan and that is the way I like it. I want to move forward and accomplish as much as I can as quickly as I can. This will make all of the “blue shirt” people, (personality test reference) who are highly organized and typically excellent at executing plans, very afraid for me and skeptical of my potential success. For me however that is exactly as I want it. I want to learn as I go and I want to go without wasting time building foundations and planning out details that I may want to change later. As I am not an excellent planner I usually like to state this is what I am doing and do it. Rather than plan and change it later. Now that I have created several run on sentences and blabbed incoherently lets return to the original topic.

Here I am world and here I come.  Initial Stage zero has begun, start a blog that will be all about gaming.
This blog is all about games. It is a "Repository of game entertainment for the whole family". With the Goal of "Bringing Back the Family Game Night"

October 17, 2011

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